The Limited Representation of House Music on Sydney's Radio Waves

Sydney, Australia is known for its diverse range of music genres and radio programming, but one genre that is seemingly underrepresented is house music. Despite being one of the most popular and enduring electronic dance music genres, house music is often overlooked by commercial radio stations in Sydney.

The reason for this limited representation of house music on the radio waves is the concentration of power in the hands of a few major players, such as Commercial Radio Australia, the peak industry body that represents the commercial radio sector in Australia. This concentration of power can make it difficult for independent and niche radio stations to enter the market and provide specialized programming.

The commercial nature of most radio stations is also a factor. Most radio stations tend to play music that is more likely to generate revenue and attract listeners, and house music is not as mainstream as other genres. Additionally, they may follow certain format, which means they stick to certain type of music and not play a variety of genres.

This lack of representation is a missed opportunity for both listeners and the music industry. House music has a dedicated and passionate fanbase, and providing them with a dedicated radio station would be highly valued.

However, there is hope for fans of house music in Sydney. The lack of representation of house music on the radio waves presents an opportunity for new and independent radio stations to fill this gap and provide a dedicated platform for the genre. Alternative ways to access the broadcast spectrum such as internet.
